Lane Positions on the Highway

It’s important to know the different lane positions you can use for whatever comes your way. Someone passing you? Debris on the road? Someone on the shoulder? You’re ready for all of it! Let's chat for a minute about how to use different lane positionings to practice defensive driving. Whether you're in parent taught drivers ed, teen drivers ed or adult drivers ed, you'll need to know this information on the road.

Position 1: The center of the lane. This is where you should be most of the time. Not too hot, not too cold; just right with a little space cushion on both sides.

Lane Positions

Position 2: The right side of the lane. This is a good place to go if someone is passing you. You’re still within the lines of the original lane and haven't changed lanes, you’re just shifted over to the right a bit to allow some extra space for the other driver to get by.

Lane Positions

Position 3: The left side of the lane. Again, like position 2, you’re still within the lane lines. You would be in position 3 if there was someone pulled over on the shoulder, or perhaps someone riding a bicycle and you wanted to give them some space.

Lane Positions

Position 4: Straddling the right side of the lane. You would be in this position if there was some debris in the road that you wanted to avoid.

Lane Positions

Position 5: Straddling the left side of the lane. Like position 4, you would be in this position to avoid debris that was on the right side of the road. If you're moving to the left side of the lane, make sure you're not veering out of your lane into oncoming traffic or an oncoming vehicle. The last thing you want is to blindside another driver in the left lane and get up to 3 points on your license.

Lane Positions

Make sure to check out the rest of our safe driving videos for more tips to keep you in control on the road!