Learn About Body Roll (The Car Kind, Not the Dance Move)

When you think body roll, you might think Shakira music video. In the driving world, body roll refers to the weight transfer that occurs as a vehicle turns.

When you think body roll, you might think Shakira music video. Unfortunately, this is not the kind of body roll we’re talking about today. In the driving world, body roll refers to the weight transfer that occurs as a vehicle turns to one side or the other. Here’s what we mean:

Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It

When you turn your car to the left, its weight shifts to the right. When you turn your car to the right, its weight shifts to the left. (And when you turn yourself around, you do the Hokey Pokey.) Although the body of your car transfers its load, the wheels of your car will remain safely on the ground. That’s because your car’s body is actually attached to the wheels by springs. Who knew?

Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’ Down the Freeway

All vehicles have body roll, although car makers try to minimize its effect with suspension systems, shocks and anti-roll bars. When you’re driving, you probably won’t even be able to notice your vehicle’s body roll, but trust us, it’s happening.

And now, newly informed driver, you're ready to roll! See you on the road.