Right of Way at Uncontrolled Intersections

Do you know how to safely navigate an uncontrolled intersection? This video shows you the rules for right of way when it seems like there are no rules.

What do you do when an intersection is out of control? You tame that beast! Check out the 360 video below. On a desktop? Click and drag the screen to look around. On your phone? Move your device from side to side or up and down.

More Right of Way TipsSelect a TopicGiving Right of WayRight of Way at Uncontrolled IntersectionsRight of Way at T-IntersectionsRight of Way on Different Pavement SurfacesRight of Way on Different Laned RoadsRight of Way During Left TurnsRight of Way from Private Roads to Public StreetsNavigating Uncontrolled Intersections

What is an uncontrolled intersection? It means there are no traffic control devices. Yeah you read that right. No traffic lights, yield signs, stop signs, or pavement markings. If you arrive at one of these types of intersections, it doesn’t mean there are no rules - it means you have to pay even more attention to what’s going on to stay safe and in control.

First of all, you have to come to a complete stop. Then, you'll assess who arrived at the intersection first- that person gets dibs. If it's you, you get dibs!

If you arrived at the same time, then the person on the right has the right of way.

When in doubt, always give right of way. But don’t be overly nice about giving it away if it’s obviously yours. That can cause confusion, which can cause an accident. You got this.