How Many Hours of Driver's Ed Is Required in Ohio?

Every teenager dreams of the day they can legally get behind the wheel of a car and drive. In Ohio, at 15 years and six months, if you pass a vision screening and knowledge test, you can get a Temporary Instruction Permit Identification Card (TIPIC). The TIPIC is just the beginning of the licensing journey for an Ohio teen. Read on to learn everything you need to know about getting a driver's license under age 18 — from the number of hours you’ll need to spend in driver’s ed in Ohio to what skills you’ll need to master for the driving test.

How Much Time You'll Need to Spend on Driver's Ed in Ohio

One of the parts of getting your license you've probably heard the most about is driver's ed. Ohio requires new drivers under 18 years old to take a driver’s ed class at a BMV-approved driver training school. This course must include 24 hours of instruction. Driver’s ed in Ohio can be done either online or in a classroom. The course must also include eight hours of driving time.

However, driver's ed isn't the only requirement for getting a license. In fact, before you even register for your driver's ed course, you should first obtain your Temporary Instruction Permit Identification Card (TIPIC) — the learner's permit that allows you to practice driving.

What You’ll Need to Get a TIPIC

Getting your TIPIC requires you to take vision and knowledge tests, as well as show proof of your name, date of birth and Social Security number. You can do your vision screening and take your knowledge test at any BMV driver exam station. The knowledge test is a multiple-choice test that covers traffic laws and signs. If you pass the test and vision screening, you then need to go to a deputy registrar license agency to buy a TIPIC. Your parent or guardian must be there to show a driver's license or ID card and co-sign for your TIPIC.

What You Need to Do After You Get Your TIPIC

Now that you have your TIPIC and have enrolled in Ohio driver's ed, your labors don't stop there. There are several major, time-consuming steps you must complete before you can take your driving test and get your full driver's license. The aim of all of these requirements is to help you become a safe and responsible driver who not only can pass your driving test but who feels comfortable driving in any condition.

  • Driving practice. Ohio requires new drivers clock in at least 50 hours of driving time. At least 10 hours must be night driving. The 50-hour requirement is in addition to the eight hours in driver’s ed. To prove you’ve completed your hours, you must turn in an affidavit from an adult. While some teens and parents might be tempted to fudge these numbers, the practice is necessary. In fact, Robyn Darden, Manager of Driver Exam Services at the Ohio BMV says that the number one reason new drivers fail their driving test is “lack of practice.”

  • Wait six months. Before you can apply for a driver's license in Ohio, you must have your TIPIC for at least six months.

Get Started Learning Today

Now that you know how long your driver's ed class will be, it's time to jump in and get started. Remember, the earlier you complete your required hours, the faster you can get on the road.