California DMV Guide

California DMV Services and Info

The California Department of Motor Vehicles is the state government agency that handles everything from vehicle registration and title to issuing drivers licenses, motorcycle licenses and learner permits to governing the testing of self-driving cars in California. The California DMV is a huge organization that brings in over $6 billion in revenue a year, because of its size it can be hard to navigate and find the information you need. We wrote a guide to make the huge organization easier to understand and to get you the info you need.

Find a California Department of Motor Vehicle Office

If you are headed into the CA DMV office chances are you are there to get your drivers license, renew your license, register your car, or a whole host of other things. But before you can do any of those things you are gonna need to find an office near you! We made a guide to find the office nearest to you as well as the days and hours of operation.

Get your California Driver License or Permit

Getting your driver's license is one of the biggest milestones in a person's life, we want to make achieving that milestone as easy and enjoyable as possible. That's why we created Aceable online driver education for both teens and adults to make the process of getting your license as painless, educational, and fast as possible. We also wrote a guide to clarify the process of getting that permit and getting that license.

Registration and Titles in California

Just moved to Cali from out of state? Just bought a car? You are gonna need to register your car! Want to sell your car? You are gonna need to transfer your title. That already is a lot of things to do but what do you do if you lose your car registration or title? Don’t worry we made a step by step guide that answers all of that and more.

California DMV forms

The California DMV is all about forms, you need a form for just about everything from changing your address to reporting a traffic accident to applying for a driver license. We put all of those DMV forms in one convenient location so that you can go to the DMV prepared! Plus the Driver handbook (sometimes called a driver manual), works like a study guide that teaches you traffic law and helps you prepare for your written knowledge test!

The California Department of Motor Vehicles offers many services that are not listed above. Want to become an organ donor? Change your name or gender on your California driver license? Well, we wrote guides on all that and more!