The Importance of Getting Enough Sleep While You're Learning How to Drive

When you first start learning to drive, you're so packed with adrenaline and excitement that you might not realize that you're lacking the proper amount of sleep. The brain is just like any other part of your body in that it needs rest. When it's well-rested, you'll learn to drive better and retain more.

The Importance of Getting Enough Sleep While You're Learning How to Drive

The CDC recommends that teens sleep between eight and ten hours every night. Without this amount of sleep, both the mind and body aren't ready to function at full capacity. This is especially true with teens since their minds and body are still developing. Extra sleep is a necessity for proper growth to occur, compared to adults who need less rest. 

Young males are the highest risk group for getting into an accident due to lack of sleep. Male teensare four times as likely to get into crashes compared to adult males. The reason why teenage males have more sleep-deprivation-related crashes compared to teenage females isn't particularly clear, since both groups are often sleep-deprived. 

The Negatives of a Lack of Sleep

Studies show that a lack of sleep decreasesthe ability to learn by up to 40%. This shows just how important it is for teens to get extra rest to ensure they can learn everything while trying to get their licenses.

Not that teens should know what it's like to drive impaired, but driving while awake for 20 hours is the same thing as driving with a 0.08% blood alcohol level. Parents especially should have an idea of how much their teen is sleeping. If they aren't getting to bed at a reasonable time, they shouldn't get behind the wheel. It's never safe to drive drowsy just like you shouldn't drive distracted.

How to Get the Proper Amount of Sleep

If you're struggling to get at least eight to ten hours of sleep a night, try a few of these tips:

  • Minimize screen time at bedtime — The light from the screen can interrupt the cues your brain sends to your body to start winding down. So stay off of your phone at least an hour before bedtime.

  • Keep a regular sleep schedule  — Getting in a habit of going to bed and waking up at a certain time, even on weekends, helps your body get used to getting plenty of sleep.

  • Cut out the caffeine — Although it's tempting for teens to drink plenty of pop, energy drinks, and maybe even coffee, you should avoid it, especially a few hours before bed. 

  • Get some exercise — Not that all teens are inactive, but getting the proper amount of exercise can definitely help you fall asleep faster. Your body recovers the most during sleep, so burning off extra energy helps with falling asleep faster. 

Get Plenty of Sleep and Get Your License

When you're learning the rules of the road before you get your driver's license, it's important to get plenty of sleep. You'll improve your memory, absorb more knowledge, and be fully alert. Another way you can make sure to learn everything you can is by taking a driver's ed course at  You'll pick up all of your local driving laws through fun bite-sized lessons that can fit anyone's schedule. 

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